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Response distortion in personality measurement : born to deceive, yet capable of providing valid self-assessments?

  • This introductory article to the special issue of Psychology Science devoted to the subject of Considering Response Distortion in Personality Measurement for Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology Research and Practice” presents an overview of the issues of response distortion in personality measurement. It also provides a summary of the other articles published as part of this special issue addressing social desirability, impression management, self-presentation, response distortion, and faking in personality measurement in industrial, work, and organizational settings.

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Author:Stephan Dilchert, Deniz S. Ones, Chockalingam Viswesvaran, Jürgen DellerORCiDGND
URL: https://pub-data.leuphana.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/100
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2006
Date of Publication (online):2007/11/21
Release Date:2007/11/21
Tag:deception; impression management; response distortion; social desirability scales
GND Keyword:Personalbeurteilung; Selbsteinschätzung; Täuschung
Source:Psychology science
Institutes:Fak 2 - Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (alt) / Psychologie/Wirtschaftspsychologie
Dewey Decimal Classification:1 Philosophie und Psychologie / 15 Psychologie / 150 Psychologie